Second Year joint Master program - Quantum information for Physics

The program presented here is adapted to students with a physicist background. However, physicist are also eligible to take optional courses proposed by the computer science department.

Program structure

Compulsory Courses for all students (physicist and computer scientists) 

Courses for physicists:

Internship, 24 ECTS (starting in March or April, for 5 month)

2 optional lectures to be taken from the following list, non limitative (3 ECTS each)

  • Atomes ultrafroids et leurs applications (master LUMI - french only)

  • Quantum metrology (master ICFP)

  • Ultra-cold atoms (master ICFP)

  • Advanced Quantum Algorithm (master QI)

  • Advanced Quantum Cryptography (master QI)

  • Courses selected from the European program DigiQ (to be confirmed)

Complete list and details of LUMI options:

Complete list and details of ICFP options:

For more information about the application and contact, please go to Sorbonne Université website

Head of the Master Nicolas Treps together with Khamsa Habouchi
If you have any question about the program, please email us at